-You should always wear the sandals provided, as you may encounter uneven wood in wet areas that can hurt your feet.
-The proper use of the glassware supplied is the responsibility of each client. We are not responsible for any mishandling that may result in self-harm such as a cut from breaking a glass or container.
-The use of the space to leave the car is complimentary, Grupo Akzara is not responsible for damages, theft or similar in this area.
-The use of your locker is important, to ensure the order and care of your belongings, please use it.
-It is not permitted to ingest hallucinogenic substances or any type of drugs within the establishment.
-Avoid manipulating buttons, knobs or similar that may cause damage, as they will be charged to your account (sauna knob, Turkish bath, etc.).
-Broken items, such as glasses, cups or plates, must be replaced and will be charged to your account. Please make good use of them.
-You are not allowed to move around the facilities without your gown, please wear it.